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March 25, 2013

If it weren't for bigotry, would we have flying cars?

I've literally been woken up in the middle of the night by this thought. By the idea of what we as a species let alone a society have deprived ourselves and our people of with bigotry. This video brought this home. It's less than two minutes long if you skipped it go ahead and watch it now. I'll wait.

Okay, so if you made it through that without wibbling I"m guessing you live under a rock or are 100% clueless about social justice and the horrific things we do to each other when we don't like the status quo being challenged.

Who knows what treasures we've snuffed out, what beautiful spirits we've broken and squashed, what insights and advancements will never be imagined or perceived let alone realized because we found it easier to look away or commit acts of calculated depraved injustice.

Maybe, if we as a society, as a culture, and as a species weren't bigots, just maybe we'd have flying cars by now.

I don't know about you, but I'd rather have a flying car than another child committing suicide, another person sexually assaulted and then blame for it, another pointless bloody murder that helps no one and hurts everyone.

Flying cars or useless suffering, not a tough call.

So what? Hate is bad right? Well how about this, for one day, just one you think about flying cars when you meet a stranger and you evaluate how you treat and react to that person, are you working for a flying car or not?

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