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February 9, 2011


Holy shit balls, has Ash totally lost it? Is she going from ranting about Christianity to poorly disguised dick jokes?

Well, maybe I am. Maybe I think dick jokes are funny, maybe I have the sense of humor of an angry Britisher combined with a die hard Troma fan and a nerdy fourteen year old girl that likes to score points on the hapless by mocking the obvious with a dry snarling wit.

Or, maybe, just maybe, it's the initials of an outstanding new force in independent comics! And now that I've teased you with C.O.C.K.S. I'm going to delay the payoff and give you some background, y'know, to establish things.

As some of you may or may not know, there has been a somewhat concerted effort recently by creator owned folks to get more cooperation between us all and some teamwork rockin' this lil bitty world. Basically, the  point is that most original or interesting work is being done largely by creator owned independent folks and publishers and the big two are stale and it's about damn time things changed (my words and not necessarily those of all persons involved in the creator owned movement, that said, if one of the big two even noticed me I'd flip out and pee myself like a puppy). All that said without teamwork, cross promotion, and a paradigm shift in our thinking creator owned titles will simply not earn the market share they're due. Not to mention the dismal state of the industry as a whole combined with the perfect storm of a shitbag economy (raise your hand if you've been laid off at least once since '08). Recently a now notorious and basically impossible to find (publicly) video featuring some Very Important Creators gave the creator owned movement a kick in the ass and a higher profile.

Further, the amazingly fantastic Steve Niles (if you aren't at least passingly familiar with his work I weep for you and encourage you to check him out on wikipedia and go directly to your LCS and, at the very least, pick up the 30 Days of Night TPB and any Cal Mcdonald TPB, also Simon Dark is freaking bad ass and has one of the saddest scenes I've seen in any type of media) has pledged to review and post creator owned titles - first post!. You can read more about his view on creator owned properties here and for a more recent follow up go here (IIRC this is his blog). And finally for an interesting blog that highlights creator owned new releases go here (again IIRC Steve contributes to the latter as well)

So, back to C.O.C.K.S., WTF is/are C.O.C.K.S? Creator Owned Comics Knowledge Spreaders! Fuck yeah.

C.O.C.K.S. is the brain child of Stephen Lindsay et al, it's a loose knit group of folks motivated to spread the love of and for creator owned comics. Check out Stephen's Tumblr and he can tell you in his own words just WTF is up with C.O.C.K.S. If you go here you'll also see his zazzle store with some badass C.O.C.K.S. gear (along with some very spiffy Jesus Hates Zombies goodies).

In closing, if you like an independent or creator owned comicS (they're not always synonymous) TELL SOMEONE! Seriously, tell a friend, parent, teacher, sibling, stranger, twitter, tumblr, facebook etc. Get the word out, advertising is expensive and nothing beats word of mouth. Some of my favorite things I learned about from friends (Chai, the fact the Neil Gaiman wrote more than just Neverwhere - I was like 14 leave me alone- Steven Brust, the existence of bogans, the mockery of bogans, and so on). If I thought my friends' opinions were crap they wouldn't be my friends, you have the power to open the people in your life up to some amazing and moving works if you just tell 'em about them!

If you don't get the word out on that outstanding indie / creator owned title you just found at your Local Comic Shop (hereafter and forevermore abbreviated to LCS) who will? It'll get canceled due to low sales and your LCS will join the sadly growing legion that have had to shutter their doors. Do yourself and the creative world a favor and support these works or they'll go away and we'll all be crushed under a pile of luscious, spandex clad, improbably proportioned, superbeings. And who wants that?

P.S. Bile has a similar post, check it out and tell him hello- in Bile speak that's something along the lines of a vulgar statement disparaging his lineage.

P.P.S I fixed a broken link and added the link to Steve Niles' first Creator Owned review on robot 6. :D

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