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February 15, 2011

We Now Return...

To our regularly scheduled bloggage.

As some of you may or may not know I write the occasional comic book. The latest and so far very much greatest, Slow Burn, will be part of a small print run due for release in about six weeks. As you can see from the gorgeous cover (still so freaking stoked by that pic) it is not a lighthearted tale of whimsy and magical unicorns. Although if  you want unicorns the Creator's Edge Press title Stink by Chuck Messinger has one, but he's not the sort you'll find frolicking on a little girl's bedspread.

Anyway, the story is raw, there are no real heroes which is appropriate as it's set in a world where heroics probably result in a messy and painful death. It's dystopian, peri-apocalyptic, and grim. The setting is the near future in a world where ghouls have brought society to its knees and classism is at an all new height. The lead character is jaded, hard, and sneering. He has faced the worst parts of himself and the world he lives in. It's dark, it's stark, it's gritty and you may need a shower or a hug once you've read it. As of now it is a one-shot book but I have laid out the outline and started scripting a sequel with an arc intended to include the first and conclude in a third issue.

The other cool thing about this book? (Assuming you think gritty, apocalyptic, and dystopian stuff is cool) Is that it's an entirely fepeople book. The artist is Sarah Markley, a Western Washington native, graduate of Western and Digipen. So not only is this not your run of the mill tights and capes book, or even a run of the mill horror book that's being published by a wholly indie and creator geared publisher, it's made by two diehard horror fans that happen to have lady bits. What's not to love?

I will absolutely let you fine readers know when this tale of woe and bloodshed hits shelves and where you can get it.  It will also be available on Drive Thru Comics prior to printing. If you're a fan of digital comics or new to the medium feel free to check out the Creator's Edge Press offerings at Drive Thru all titles are a low $0.99. Titles include the primer issue of Stink and loads of other goodies including Jeff by Travis Bundy our talented and fantastic Art Director and the primer of Warriors of the Dharuk an all-ages book by Stephen Lindsay of Jesus Hates Zombies.

And don't forget that Creator's Edge has three titles in this month's previews! Head on down to your local comic shop (LCS) and ask for: Totem Kids order code FEB110894 (a one shot all ages book about the power and danger of imagination) Scorn TPB FEB110893 (a tale of family and vengeance) and Ghost Lines FEB110892 (a timely conspiracy thriller).  Just give your local retailer code the number starting with FEB and these gems will be yours!

As always, thank you for reading and feel free to comment below!

Note: Comments are temporarily in moderation mode meaning that they will be logged but not published until I've reviewed them. Odds are I will happily post all comments logged but trolls will be trolls, although, if you're a funny or clever troll I promise I'll post your comment, k?

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