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May 23, 2011


I trust each and every one of you looted to your heart's content? Excellent. In honor of the day of idiots - er the Rapture I present:

Something about this video strongly reminds me of the 1980s BBC miniseries of The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Now that I have that in my head I need to share it. NEED.

Now, bare in mind that when this was made computers were hugely expensive behemoths roughly the size of my house. So all the graphics you're seeing were actually hand drawn animations. Yeah. Fuck yeah even.


So allergy season is well and truly here. I'd forgotten how incredibly potent benadryl is I went ahead and took one, thinking I'd be able to function like a human being afterwards, PSYCH. Five hours later I woke up. Heh.

So in order to limit such occurrences and make the half packet of benadryl I've got left last longer I've been wearing a painter's style paper mask while weeding, shoveling gravel etc. I would wonder what my neighbors think about it except I'm reasonably sure they're so overcome by delight that someone is doing something about our ridiculous yard that I could be wearing a speedo and pasties while singing operatic arias and they wouldn't mind (that's an image that will pop into your head .5 seconds before you fall asleep tonight and startle you awake).

Also the city is putting raingardens in a few of my neighbor's yards so there are gawkers abounding anyway. But it does remind me of when I first got to Japan, I noticed quite a few locals wearing similar masks. At first I thought maybe it was an air quality issue - not - or maybe it was flu season - but it was May - so I chalked it up to allergies. I was wrong turns out if you're sick in Japan etc a lot of times the ill person will wear such a mask to limit the exposure of other people. Can you imagine anyone wearing an uncomfortable weird looking mask just to protect random strangers in the west? Weird yet cool right?

I don't really have anything earth shattering to report today. Well, not yet anyway, the day is young, we've survived 'the Rapture' what's not to look forward to?

I'm going to wander off now and pretend that the universe didn't collude in plotting to give me terrible allergies and painful womanly troubles in the same period of time and that the ibuprofen I took forty five minutes ago just hasn't kicked in, not that it is pathetic in the face of my angry body, and therefore I'm not really feeling this headache. Yeah. :P

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