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February 14, 2011

God: The Follow Up

Light Hearted Photo Disarms Angry Visitors!

Sadly, even genetically modified bee cat has its limits. :(
As you can see this blog is now blank. The reason? I recieved an angry phone call from someone I cared about and out of respect to them removed it. I did not remove it because a bunch of angry profane wanna be trolls dogged the comments section and demanded I do so with no reason or justification. I will not apologize for the post. I felt and still feel that it was just to post and as no identifying information was involved little offense should have been taken. Again this was an extreme action only taken to assuage an innocent party's hurt feelings.

(by the way thanks trolls you drove my page hits sky high! :D)

I do still have the blog contents accessible as well as the original conversation material.

The comments will remain. 

This is the ONLY time such an edit/removal will occur. Period. I take first amendment rights and free speech very seriously, if a Nazi hate group gets to post whatever they like and fall under its protection then my comparatively inoffensive blogs do as well. Live with it. If you don't want to read, then feel free not to. It's an enormous world and a great big fat juicy interwebs out there. Embrace it, enjoy it, and remember to think for yourselves.

As always, thanks for reading!

- Ash


  1. Remove this post!!!!!!!

  2. Hey, anon, could you give me a reason to? Or are you hiding behind being anon? Give me a logical, fair reason and I probably will.

  3. Anon, in all seriousness, if you can explain to me why I should curtail my freedom of speech in the face of your vitriol and hate. All information in this blog is accurate and all personal information has been redacted. Sidenote, did you call yourself a Cunt?

  4. No the person was talking about you.
    These anon are 3 different people, which you obviously are unable to see.

  5. I can see as clearly the anon playfully referring to me as a heathen is being sarcastic and amusing. Unlike the crude vitriol and profanity flung about by the others, or was that you?



  8. Oh so much fail. I state,(btw you can see this if you scroll up)quite clearly, "hope after reading through this you'll comment below and maybe suggest how I could have handled it better or how I might approach these situations in future."

    Hurling profanity and insults does not fulfill any of the above requests.

  9. arrabbiato, stupido stronzo amaro. Che diavolo è il vostro problema. Mi fai ribrezzo e la maggior parte del vostro paese. VERGOGNA

  10. I won't delete your comments but I may edit them to remove the low brow profanity.

  11. But you truly have not said "do not post rude profanity filled comments" either. Therefore you have opened that door.

  12. You still seem to think I am the one of posted the profanity. I am not. Can't say I blame the person who did though.

  13. Oh anon, rude is fine, but profane cheapens you far far more than I. Carry on if you like. However, this will remain up until you can give me a concrete reason why it should be removed. It doesn't even have to be a very good one.

  14. I don't care if you posted it or not, I never said that you had. Your logic is shaky at best, because someone has not forbidden a behavior it's okay? Really? So because it's not forbidden for me to post this, then I can, right?

  15. Why would you put up something so personal that is obviously between you and another person if you "claim" to not care?

  16. שאלוהים ירחם על נשמתך

  17. Why do YOU care so much?

  18. Translation courtesy of google translate: Lord have mercy on your soul

    Thanks, may he have mercy on yours too. I care because it's my blog you goof.

    Say not thou, What is the cause that the former days were better than these? for thou dost not enquire wisely concerning this.

    For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not.

    I applied mine heart to know, and to search, and to seek out wisdom, and the reason of things

  19. Why would you put up something so personal that is obviously between you and another person if you "claim" to not care?

    What? Seriously, what? What are you talking about? I don't care about profane comments because they shame the commenter. I do care about the events in this blog because they upset me. The better question is why do you care so much? Reveal your name or your reason for being so very upset if you care.

  20. The words of wise men are heard in quiet more than the cry of him that ruleth among fools.

    A fool also is full of words: a man cannot tell what shall be; and what shall be after him, who can tell him?


    Make your posts rhyme.

  22. A fool also is full of words: a man cannot tell what shall be; and what shall be after him, who can tell him?
    For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast: for all is vanity.

  23. "I feel sad for this person and also annoyed with myself for letting the whole situation go on this long."

    Yet you obviously still want it to continue other wise you would not post this out there unless to insight.

  24. suckmydickyoucuntfacewhoreFebruary 15, 2011 at 12:21 AM

    "Yet you obviously still want it to continue other wise you would not post this out there unless to insight."

    You wouldn't have posted this in the first place unless you wanted to incite an argument. You are the offender, so please don't act as if you're on the defensive.

  25. Obviously the person posting such words as "cunt" is not the same person posting actual words and questions, so why do not just delete said profanity comments???

  26. Yet you obviously still want it to continue other wise you would not post this out there unless to insight

    Oh dear, you clearly haven't read through very thoroughly. The blog post was put up early early this morning as you can see here "Posted by Ash at 04:29"

    The clearly labeled update? Was just that an update. The post was up and I liked it up and until you give me a legitimate reason to pull it, it will remain up.

    BTW the word you want is 'incite'.

  27. Incite what? The only people or person that could possibly take any kind of hurt or offense from this (and the logic is really quite thin) would be the person referenced in the post and his/her/their allies.

    Since you are posting as anon I'm guessing you don't want to identify yourselves. That's fine. But as I've said at least twice now if you give me a concrete justified reason for pulling this blog post it *will* stay up.

    So please, put away your indignant self righteousness and come up with a reason or go to bed. It's late.

  28. I see nothing wrong with my username. It's no more disturbing than the insults that you're hurling towards Ash, in other languages that you most likely don't speak, nonetheless.

    As Ash said, please go to bed. It's quite late.

  29. I would hope, that if any of you anons *are* connected to this person that you or they would at least attempt to speak to me like adults instead of 12 year old internet trolls with poor argumentative skills.

    However, I understand that emotions can run high and understand that this entire fiasco may be the result of such emotions. I would hope that in time these emotions would fade and you would be willing to approach me and calmly discuss your offense.

    Or not. *shrugs*

  30. Say that thou didst forsake me for some fault,
    And I will comment upon that offence;
    Speak of my lameness, and I straight will halt,
    Against thy reasons making no defence.
    Thou canst not, love, disgrace me half so ill,
    To set a form upon desired change,
    As I'll myself disgrace: knowing thy will,
    I will acquaintance strangle and look strange,
    Be absent from thy walks, and in my tongue
    Thy sweet beloved name no more shall dwell,
    Lest I, too much profane, should do it wrong
    And haply of our old acquaintance tell.
    For thee against myself I'll vow debate,
    For I must ne'er love him whom thou dost hate.

  31. Hay guys, I googled 'cunts' and I ended up here.

    What's going on? Where am I? Why's everyone so angry?

    And where's the nekkid ladies??

  32. Ha ha ha second to last anon FTW!

  33. I LOVE when the sinning heathen shows more love, compassion, thought, kindness, honour, respect.....I forget where I'm going with this....Oh, right: Fuck them, Ash. You go gurrl.

    I can be immature and nasty 'cause I'm not as thoughtful as you.

  34. How in the name of the Ori did these people even get here, Ashykins? Was your original, uh... discussion with that girl you knew back in 1993 in the days of Wild 'n Crazy Kids lead all her friends to seek you out? Or is there a secret 'Pray for Ash's Soul' society on the internet?

  35. Shannon, it was meant ironically in the biblical sense of a non-christian not in the awesome sense of modern Heathenism :D

    Joey, I don't know, I suspect someone posted a link and bleated a complaint with no context and incited a bunch of small minded undereducated haters. *shrug* It's hard being awesome I guess :P

  36. Anonymous the Not So BadFebruary 16, 2011 at 5:23 AM

    Well, so much for public education. Anon the Rude is sorely lacking in sense, but has a damn bucket load of stupid he/she likes to spread. Hey, dude, it works better in a garden plot. All this does is show your lack of dignity and forget honor. Nothing there but a blank. Anyone calling themselves Christian but speaks like you? Fail. Huge fail. However, in Biblical speak, you do qualify as one of Satan's minions. Don't know if that was what you were aiming at, but you hit it right in the center first shot. Congratulations, Anon the Rude! You get to pass Go and hit the heat! There is your freedom, Oh, thou rude and mindless pile of steaming goat dung.

  37. Anonymous the Not So BadFebruary 16, 2011 at 6:25 AM

    You have always positioned yourself to be a wonderful person to everyone who knows you. It is a sad, sad thing that someone who maybe has a bad self image has to throw around expletives in order to..what? sound serious? sound threatening? Very sad. Very sad, indeed. If the person looked at the things they posted, perhaps they would rethink? I don't know. But I would hope. Profanity and expletive peppered language just comes off so ignorant and base. As if the brains behind those thoughts were on meth.

  38. Much love to last anon. Thank you for your kind words :)



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